
Colin Maki
24 E. 64th Street, Suite 2F
New York, NY 10065

Second Term Expires: 2028

Past President

Julian Cossmann Cooke
Cossmann Violins
207 Nelray Blvd.
Austin, TX 78751
Second Term Expires: 2028


Brandon Godman
The Fiddle Mercantile
305 Shotwell St.
San Francisco, CA 94112
Second Term Expires: 2028


Charles F. Tucker IV
622 Wellington Point
Houston, TX 77094
Second Term Expires: 2028


Chris Clark
3109 Sutton Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63143
Second Term Expires: 2028

First Vice President

Chris Ulbricht
Indianapolis Violins
1518 E. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46201
Second Term Expires: 2026

Second Vice President

Anya Burgess
Sola Violins
100 E. Vermilion St., Suite 102
Lafayette, LA 70501
Second Term Expires: 2028


Itzel Avila

160 Gainsborough Rd.
Toronto, ON, M4L 3C4
Second Term Expires: 2028

Laura Barcelo
Indianapolis Violins
1518 E. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46201
First Term Expires: 2028

Florence Haseler
20 Rockefeller Plaza
New York‎, NY 10020
First Term Expires: 2028

Petio Kostov
475 West Highplains Rd.
Round Lake, IL 60073

Second Term Expires: 2028

Kathy Reilly
Vermont Violins
5 Green Tree Drive
South Burlington, VT 05403
First Term Expires: 2028

Bill Scott, Jr.
230 Washington Avenue Ext, Suite 101
Albany, NY 12203
Second Term Expires: 2026


Assistant Secretary & CAS-Forum Representative

Julius J. (Jay) Van De Kopple
VandeKopple Basses
4 Pleasant Avenue
Midland Park, NJ 07432

CAS-Forum Representative

Fan-Chia Tao
D'Addario & Co.
595 Smith Street
Farmingdale, NY 11735-0290

General Manager

Peter Koniuto
The Violin Society of America
230 Washington Avenue Extension
Suite 101
Albany, NY 12303


The VSA Board can be contacted at: [email protected]

VSA Members can login to view complete contact information here.


General Purpose

The board of directors is commissioned by and responsible to its constituents and the law to assume the primary responsibility of accurately reporting financial information, providing programs and services that correspond with its mission and vision, and maintaining oversight of all organizational activity including staff and volunteers.

Appointments and Commissions

  • Appointment of board officers shall be made bi-annually by the board in accordance with the by-laws.
  • Appointment of directors shall be made by the membership with the advice of the board of directors in accordance with the by-laws.


  • To affirm an active mission and vision statement.
  • Ensure effective long-range planning.
  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity, and maintain accountability.
  • Become knowledgeable about the organization through policies, guidelines, and rules for both the programs and board.
  • To appoint, support, and review the performance of the executive director and its staff.
  • Regularly engage in board evaluation and board member self-evaluation.
  • Recruit and elect new board members.
  • Advocate for the organization in the community and region.
  • Affirm long range goals and monitor the effectiveness of the goals.
  • Maintain effective communication between board, staff, and members.
  • Ensure sound financial management; and approve major expenditures above a specified limit.
  • Help secure adequate financial resources, including making a personal monetary commitment, attending fund raising, and organizational functions.
  • Review and approve the annual budget.
  • Supervise investment of permanent capital assets.
  • Actively participate in at least one committee.
  • Understand financial statements presented.
  • Maintain confidentiality of the board’s executive session.
  • Speak for the board or organization only when authorized to do so.
  • Be responsible for hiring and firing the executive director, provide support, and counsel when necessary.
  • Other duties, as required.

General Purpose

The Executive Committee is commissioned by and responsible to the board of directors to function on behalf of the board of directors in matters of emergency and interim periods between regularly scheduled board meetings. The Executive Committee shall have and exercise the authority of the board of directors provided that such authority shall not operate to circumvent the responsibility and authority vested in the board of directors by the by-laws, and any action taken is to be ratified by the board of directors at its first subsequent meeting.

Appointments and Composition

  • The Executive Committee shall be composed of the president, president-elect, vice-president, secretary, treasurer of the board, and the immediate past president.
  • The chair of the executive committee shall be president of the board of directors.
  • The president, president-elect, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer shall be elected in accordance with procedures set forth in the by-laws of the organization.


  • To meet prior to the quarterly meeting to draw up an agenda for meetings of the full board of directors.
  • To make decisions on behalf of the full board as needed which cannot wait for the full board, or on matters delegated to the executive committee by the board of directors.
  • To maintain effective communication with the committees of the organization.
  • To coordinate the annual planning and budget process of the organization in conjunction with the finance committee and executive director.
  • In conjunction with the governance and board development committee, provide policy recommendations to the board of directors in the area of advertising, member relations, legal issues relating to members, recruitment/interviewing/selection procedures, management issues, competition rules issues, and the like.
  • Annually review the performance of the executive director according to the procedures outlined in the policies of the organization. (The executive director, in turn, is responsible for the annual performance review of the other staff.)
  • To respond to the call of the board president or executive director for emergency meetings to deal with special problems between regular board meetings.
  • Annually submit objectives as part of the planning and budgeting process.
  • Annually evaluate its work as a committee and the objectives it has committed itself to and report on same to the board of directors.
  • Report to the board of directors at regular meetings of the board in a manner determined by the board.